Profile: CT
What was your first CrossFit experience?
I wanted a break from the Bro Split so tried CrossFit in 2016. The first day was wallballs but the people were great, so I kept coming back anyway
What workouts/sports do you do outside of the box?
Skiing and hiking
What made you want to become a coach?
Learning more about CrossFit methodology and realizing how much it helps people maintain wellness and fitness
What is the best part about being a coach?
When an athlete’s hard work pays off and they get a new movement or skill / PR
If you had to do one exercise for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What exercise could you do without?
Wall balls
Working out with or without a shirt?
Take it off halfway through, that way you get to take a little break 😂
What music do you play the most?
Taylor Swift!