Profile: Kristin
What's your name?
Kristin Fusilier
What was your first CrossFit experience?
I was training for a bodybuilding competition at the time and my trainer was also a CrossFit coach. It was cheaper to join the CrossFit Box than to hire her to personally train me, so that's what I did. After I saw the strong ladies, eating what they wanted, lifting heavy, AND looking good, I switched to CrossFit for good and never looked back!
What workouts/sports do you do outside of the box?
Anything and everything I can. Mostly hiking with my husband and dog but I love learning new sports so I will try anything!
What made you want to become a coach?
I had some amazing coaches when I started that really made an impact on my mindset when it came to health and fitness. I wanted to be that inspiration for other people and help make positive changes for people in my community.
What is the best part about being a coach?
Watching people surprise themselves when they do something they never thought they could!
If you had to do one exercise for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Power Cleans, ALL DAY!
What exercise could you do without?
Running :p
Working out with or without a shirt?
without DUH, a shirt just weighs you down.
What music do you play the most?
Mashups and Remixes playlist on Spotify!