Profile: Mike
What's your name?
Mike McCune
What was your first CrossFit experience?
I think it was around 2007 or 2008, an older friend convinced me to join him and a couple of his co-workers for a workout at a YMCA in Wichita, Kansas (USA). At the time the only CrossFit programming was on the Main site. The workout we did was Kelly. I think I threw up at least twice in my mouth and swallowed it back down during the workout. Afterwards I was laying on the down asking them what time again tomorrow?
What workouts/sports do you do outside of the box?
Rock Climbing, ice climbing, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, MMA, Paintball.
What made you want to become a coach?
It started with just wanting to workout with my friends, having training partners and we would coach each other. But the more we trained the more people would get interested and wanted to join and I started to become their coach.
What is the best part about being a coach?
I love seeing the impacts that CrossFit has on people's lives; the physical, mental and emotional health that results from this community is so rewarding to see. The best part is knowing how I was able to contribute to the happiness and health in their life.
If you had to do one exercise for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The Snatch
What exercise could you do without?
Handstand Push-ups
Working out with or without a shirt?
Definitely No Shirt
What music do you play the most?